Zambia Gott Katie

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I am now in South Africa...

Hello everybody,
Geez has this month been a roller coaster ride or what. So, I am now in South Africa seeing doctors and getting medical help. The Doctors in Lusaka (Zambia) could not figure out what was going on and I was not getting any better so they flew me here. I have been going to the mall and seeing movies which is nice but I really can not wait to get back to site. I am seeing an Infectious Disease Doctor and an Internal Medicine Doc on Thursday so hopefully they can figure it all out. Overall, I am doing okay...being away and not knowing what is wrong is very mentally tolling but I am hanging in there. I hope everybody on that side of the world is okay and I will keep you all posted. Love you...and do not worry about me!


  • At 1/2/07, Blogger Maggi said…

    Sorry to hear that you've been ill. Hopefully the new team of doctors can figure out how to treat you so you are better soon. We think of you so often, Happy belated birthday! Love you, Maggi

  • At 6/2/07, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 14/2/07, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 14/2/07, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 11/11/08, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep up the good work.


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