Zambia Gott Katie

Image hosting by Photobucket I hope everybody enjoys my site. I will try to update it as often as I can but since internet is limited, it may be hard but stick with me. Thanks everybody!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hello from this side!!

Hello everybody,
I can't believe I am actually using a computer right has been 4 months!! Thank you to everybody for all the letters and packages...don't worry I am not starving :). So life in the bush is so different than anything I can ever explain correctly. I love it.
Here is a typical day in my life:
Wake up around 6:30 becuase of my chickens...(Yes MY chickens...I have 4 and soon to be 14)
Go to my garden to water my tomatoes, onions, rape and mustard spinach.
Read for a little while then put charcoal in my braiser and start a fire.
Go for a bike ride..come home and hang out with my family.
Go to the clinic
Read some more
Make dinner around 17:00
In bed by 19:30!!

That is how my days go normally. It is harvest time right now so everybody is busy in the fields.

So, I live 80 km from the nearest city which is called Mkushi. That is where I go for mail, get food and just hang out. I live with a great family that takes great care of me. I have a dog named Ina (which means fat in Bemba) and he is a very fat dog. I have great friends and we try to get together at least once a month. Work is difficult...Zambians have a different way of life and it has taken some time to get used it. They are very relaxed and are okay with doing nothing....all day long!! Zambia is a very safe country and have never felt scared which is a relief. Zambia is soooo green, trees and fields. Overall, I am very happy but do have some rough days. All I can say is thank you to everybody for the letters and packages. Letters are amazing here since communication does not really exist. They are like GOLD!!! I will be getting a cell phone in a month so I can text all of you and you can text me. I do have to climb a mountain to get service but it is worth it!!! I wake up many mornings and can't believe that I am in Africa!! I feel very lucky and love it. I do miss you all and think of you often. Keep in touch!!