Zambia Gott Katie

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Monday, May 21, 2007

New Starts

So I went to Malawi to visit the lake during Easter and had a wonderful time. I went with 8 friends and we stayed on the beach with a great view of the ocean. It was so much fun...just relaxing. We paid some guys on the beach to make us dinner a few times and it was unreal. Fish, beans, vegetables and far one of the best meals I have had in Africa.

So I am finally at my new site and am soooo happy. It was weird to start all over again but I did make the correct choice. My new family keeps on giving me food and does everything for me. I actually saw my first baby be born and it was unreal. The lady made NO noise. I can honestly say that I do not get how our bodies can do that.

I hope everybody is doing well. It is so weird to think that my family is going to be here in less than 3 months:)!!! Please keep your letters coming...I miss getting mail.

Love you all!


  • At 23/5/07, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HI: You remember me, Leo Chavez, Koji's dad? I enjoyed reading your blog. Your clinic experience didn't sound too good. One med practitioner for all those people.

    Have you ever read any books by Paul Farmer? He's a doctor who travels the world giving med care to poor populations. Very inspiring reading.

    Have fun, and I can't believe it's been over a year since you left.

    TAke care,

    Leo Chavez

  • At 31/7/07, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    See you in 3 days!!!!! Can't wait.
    Love, MOM


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